Monday, August 19, 2013

Facetune An Android App To Fix Your Face

There are plenty of times when an almost-great snapshot
could use a little help. The genius of Facetune is that it has
all the tools you need -- all easy to use. Plus, there's a
quick help feature that shows you what the tool is, both in a
graphic as well as in a quick video. At the same time, there
are multiple ways to fix your mistakes. If you don't like an
effect, an undo button is ready.

lets you fancy up portrait photos of your friends
or your selfies -- and it's fantastic. In fact, it's got the
perfect blend of powerful tools with utter simplicity.
Want to whiten your best man's yellowish teeth? No
problem. Boom, white like Ryan Seacrest. How about
smooth the blemishes and uneven tones of your girlfriend in
that quick morning snapshot that you love (and she hates)?
A couple swipes and suddenly the cute-but-admittedly-
still-a-morning face takes on a brightness that's ready for
the world -- and Facebook or Twitter. (Take note, Russell
Brand, Facetune might give you an extra day or two of joy.)
So what am I getting at here? Pretty much every time you
see some sort of celebrity in a magazine or on TV, they've
either just been sitting in a makeup chair with a
professional or their photos have been doctored to fix their
flaws. I'm not overly concerned with so-called flaws: To
me, the best photos are all about the eyes and the smiles --
there is either a love of life there or there's something else,
like bitterness or laziness. It's hard to doctor. Same goes
for pain and hardship -- hard to fake it in the eyes and the
Edit the Photo to Capture the Moment
For many people, there are plenty of real-life situations
where an almost-great snapshot could use a little help.
Take the photo of your mother smiling huge at her
granddaughter's birthday party, and in person at the party,
she's just radiant and alive like you haven't seen her in
months. But the snapshot photo doesn't capture that. It's
flat. The light is off, and something just wasn't translated
from life to digital. Enter Facetune. With a few simple tools,
you can smooth wrinkles, skin tone, and even increase the
detail and emphasis around eyes. It's amazing.
Suddenly grandma looks a little closer to the reality of that
special day.
Or, if you're feuding with your mother-in-law, you can give
the impression of plastic surgery, adjusting the shape of her
face. If she has one pimple, you can turn it into three by
using the same feature that lets you erase funky spots.
Tools can often be used for good or evil. Just saying.
More Facetune Tools
The genius of Facetune is that it has all the tools you need,
and they are all easy to use. Along the way, there's a quick
help feature that shows you what the tool is, both in a
graphic as well as in a quick video. At the same time, there
are multiple ways to fix your mistakes. If you don't like an
effect, an undo button is ready.
Alternatively, if you don't like a series of effects within a
tool, you can "X" out of the tool usage area instead of
tapping the checkmark to accept the changes. And, while
you're evaluating a change, you can tap and hold a button
to flash back to the previous version of the image again and
again, as you discern whether what you did is spot on.
Plus, when you've gone overboard with an effect, you don't
have to start all over -- you can use an eraser to soften the
effect to get it right. So smart.
What are the tools?
Crop, which is like every other crop on an iPhone.
Whiten, for teeth, and you can go blindingly white or
just a little less hick -- and everywhere in between.
Smooth, for softening skin tone.
Details, for amping up detail to make areas pop, like
around eyes to bring out intensity or unleash the hidden
sexy. Awesome feature, actually.
Reshape, for toning down Jay Leno's chin ... or
increasing it. Works to reduce chipmunk cheeks, fix really
weird angles that don't represent your subject well. Or
create the foundation for a monster.
Patch, for blemishes like pimples. Genius
implementation lets you tap the pimple, which locks in
one circle that's connected to another. Move the other
circle around until you find the right blend of face to
match the area over the pimple.
Tones, for choosing a color in the photo to spread
around. For example, your drunken uncle with the bright
red cheeks ... you can select the normal forehead tone
and sober him up.
And while you're at it, reduce the
amount of gray hair by spreading his natural color over it.
(Works for bottle blondes, too.)
Red Eye, for making black pupils.
Defocus, to help make your subject pop out of the
photo better by blurring other items.
Filters, for changing the overall color, brightness, tone
and framing.
Within each of these tools, there's usually a refinement tool
that goes with it that lets you increase or decrease the
effect. The bottom line is, many of these tools are in other
photo-editing apps, too, and the effects can be replicated as
well. The question is, are they as easy to use? More
importantly, will you remember to use them? Because
Facetune is focused on doing one thing really well, odds are
you'll remember it and put it to use. That's the win here --
actually using it

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